BIONAID, containing a covalently bonded silver particle is rapidly gaining worldwide attention for its amazing wellness properties. BIONAID, in the concentrated form provided, is under 3 ppm, and even less when diluted ~ 2 ounces per gallon for general maintenance, and is completely safe (ppm lab data available).
BIONAID concentrate is produced through a unique patent pending process, which permanently bonds one atom of silver with a multitude of oxygen atoms. This covalently bonded silver mineral concentrate is then mixed with your distilled water to produce a BIONAID and water-blend for drinking. The covalently bonded silver mineral concentrate (although mistakenly compared to colloidal silver) is NOT a colloidal silver product.
A "Colloidal" consists of individual particles within the range of 0.004 to 0.015 microns in diameter. The Bion covalently bonded mineral particle is comprised of individual atoms of silver with up to a million covalently bonded oxygen atoms. The size of the Bion molecule is much smaller than 0.004 microns which does not fall within the classification of a colloid.
Colloidal Silver in its "best" form is comprised of clumps of 15 silver atoms per particle. These particles are too large to penetrate most cell membranes which dramatically limits Colloidal Silver's ability to assist the bodies immune system.
BIONAID is H2O, which is two Hydrogen Atoms sharing electrons with One Oxygen Atom. The Bion Reactor Strips Hydrogen Atoms which contain 1 Proton and 1 Electron from the Oxygen Atom making a positively charged Oxygen Ion +2 (It wants two electrons) Simultaneously Supercharged Negative Silver Ions which have 47 protons and millions of electrons are created by the reactor (1M to 2M). Up to a million or so Oxygen Atoms immediately bond to each silver Ion by grabbing two of the millions of electrons from the silver Ion and sharing them with the silver ion as well as with other oxygen molecules already attached to the silver Ion.
As millions of positively charged oxygen atoms bond to the negatively charged silver Ion the charge of the overall molecule becomes positive due to the ratio of positively charged protons in the nucleus of the oxygen atoms being greater than the number of electrons being shared amongst the other oxygen molecules and silver Ion. The molecule therefore at any chance will continue to attract negatively charged electrons found in hostile organisms. Bad Bacteria, Viruses, Molds etc. have one electron (-1) in their molecular makeup. They are therefore attracted to the "Bion" molecule and die once they contact the "Bion" because the "Bion" molecule steals the electron from it changing its polarity and killing it in the process. As electrons are collected full oxygen atoms are released from the "Bion" molecule and the positive charge of the molecule is maintained. These molecules are permanently suspended in water and are not toxic to the body. Unlike a standard silver Ion, which is missing one electron and will try to collect one electron before it is inert and no longer affective in killing bacteria or other harmful organisms the Bion molecule can continue to attract millions of bad organisms and continue to kill them. Burk Hale, Inc.’s BIONAID can treat malaria-infested ponds or other water supplies that are undrinkable and turn them into safe sources of water for millions who are currently drinking infected waters.
It is the significant amount of oxygen atoms covalently bonded to the silver atom that makes this process uniquely safe and effective in all laboratory tests done thus far, and should not be compared with simple ionized silver particle or pharmaceutical solutions. Mild silver protein solutions must have extremely high parts-per-million to have remotely similar effects and may only be obtained by a prescription.
These Bion particles in the BIONAID are so incredibly small they can gently penetrate the cell membrane complimenting nature's ongoing nurturing function of the cell. The bioactive ratio of our molecule compared to that of the "best" Colloidal Silver particle is over 60,000 to 1. Bion particles do not accumulate in the body and contain no additives, coloring or artificial flavoring. Our product is not affected by temperature or sunlight, has an indefinite shelf life and will not spoil or lose its efficacy.
Bioactivity is rated as the amount of the positive charge held by a particle (molecule) which is the result of the presence of a greater number of protons than electrons in that molecule. The "best" form of a Colloidal Silver molecule has 15 more protons than electrons giving it a plus 15 rating, i.e., it can destroy fifteen bacteria/viruses etc. before loosing its bioactive properties.
Example: If you had two petri dishes that both contained 1,000,000 bacteria-in one you place the best Colloidal Silver particle and the other you placed one of the Bion particles. If the solution allowed the bioactive molecule to come into contact with each bacteria the Colloidal Silver would kill fifteen bacteria leaving 999,985 bacteria living. The Bion Molecule would kill ALL one million bacteria completely sterilizing the dish. We know of no product that compares.
BIONAID is designed to help you feel and generally perform better than ever before. The Bion molecules have been proven to assist the body in a variety of beneficial and remarkable ways including the removal of toxins built up in your system. While clinical and laboratory results from UCLA virology labs and Genesis West-Providence (data available to registered inquirers) proves the efficacy of the molecule in this product, we are not making or implying any medical claims; nor that this product does any specific thing other than assist the body with the proper trace elements so that the body may become an undesirable host for unhealthy intruders.
This is about a nutritional supplement. This is not about a drug. This product does not "cure" anything. Your body does the "curing" when it is provided the nutritional supplements that it needs to naturally do what it does best.
We are convinced that our product does a superb job in meeting certain nutritional needs of the human body. And clinical tests over a 15 year period in major universities, labs and on human subjects worldwide verify our product's efficacy. It Soars!
BIONAID is a world class nutritional breakthrough. There are steps being taken with the latest research in quantum physics to improve upon this breakthrough. Research is revealing that water may have its own holographic memory, and with methods like "HADO", which appears to indicate that "information" may be put into water, as discussed in the book, "Messages In The Water", by Dr. Emoto, and the "Virtual Photon Laser", by Dan Nelson is a new and exciting field of endeavor in the "structured water" research community that compliments their findings. This product will continue to set the world standard in the new field of "specialty waters."
Today's world is facing more and more serious concerns with the possibility of pandemic outbreaks. As the effectiveness of antibiotics and vaccines are becoming very risky in the minds of many alternative minded people, fear and panic is also becoming a serious concern. It is our desire to remove the "fear factor" by encouraging the consumption of needed nutritional elements that may provide help in what we need to address these issues.
We have put all the loving care and latest research we can find into our products. Regarding nutritional health, we believe that Nature 1st BIONAID may very well be the most important and valuable substance on our planet today. We also believe that the element in BIONAID may help improve the health of animals and plants that have to resist harmful and unhealthy intruders as well.