Posted 6/12/2006 6:45:40 PM |
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 6/12/2006 6:41:57 PM Posts: 3, Visits: 6 |
Eureka Event!
The radioactive waste delivered to NASA fuels a space-time compression matrix. By compressing the space-time fabric, the unavoidable disaster to occur on May 19th will be eliminated by eliminating May 19th.
What a country we live in... Brilliant!!! |
Posted 6/12/2006 7:35:32 PM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 2 days ago @ 8:28:39 PM Posts: 16, Visits: 19 |
Eureka Event!
The radioactive waste delivered to NASA fuels a space-time compression matrix. By compressing the space-time fabric, the unavoidable disaster to occur on May 19th will be eliminated by eliminating May 19th.
What a country we live in... Brilliant!!! |
Posted 6/13/2006 1:42:47 PM |
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Group: Forum Members Last Login: 2 days ago @ 10:49:07 PM Posts: 26, Visits: 24 |
Elder (6/11/2006)
I think we get your drift, CS. Nothing new. I'm dreaming you'll still be posting here.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Have I just fulfilled your dreams?
Posted 6/16/2006 11:13:37 AM |
Forum Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 2 days ago @ 12:59:22 PM Posts: 28, Visits: 75 |
Is there any new info on June 19th? |
Posted 6/17/2006 12:10:46 AM |
Forum Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: Today @ 11:23:44 AM Posts: 29, Visits: 95 |
Where is the guy who posted this insight? Does he have any more ingo?
Packertex |
Posted 6/17/2006 7:31:36 AM |
Forum Guru
Group: Forum Members Last Login: Yesterday @ 2:17:11 PM Posts: 59, Visits: 263 |
I think that he is already in the bunker. |
Posted 6/17/2006 9:48:14 AM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 11:51:06 AM Posts: 405, Visits: 419 |
The guy that posted this original message was in government. Another poster talked about going into his bunker. We've not heard anymore from the original poster, who appeared to have been taking risks to tell us about this before the Washington Post broke the story.
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"
FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together: http://www.rangeguide.net/thegrid.htm
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Posted 6/19/2006 3:10:06 PM |
Junior Member
Group: Banned Members Last Login: Today @ 2:45:21 AM Posts: 16, Visits: 71 |
This is a bulletin issued today from the following website:
Welcome Everyone!
Today is June 19, 2006.
It's been a while, but I just thought I'd point out to everyone...that one of the more interesting events of today is this recently made observation regarding "the very interesting recent actions of the relatively more secretive layers of world government":
1) There are several "important someones" disappearing into underground bunkers in order to take a "little holiday" today, this day of July 19, 2006.
2) While nuclear waste recently shipped to NASA is thus used for "some undefined purpose".
3) How nice of them all for being so incredibly brave at the expense of the rest of the human race, their family, friends, and loved ones back home.
4) How nice of them all to widely non-publicize this particular event in none of the papers, radio, and television for all of you to witness for yourselves.
So this very issue ultimately brings into question the issue of "trust" itself, indeed.
For you see...whenever any such a crowd of people "lacks conscience on this kind of an occasion, making decisions on behalf of every single other person on planet Earth", there is always and inevitably someone else within that said crowd who takes an ultimate exception to such kinds of things in their most ultimate viewpoint.
For you see, whenever one goes into an underground bunker of any kind...then one must be able "to trust every single person in it" to "tow the line at all times even if they are about to bring destruction upon every single person except for themselves".
Good luck with that, by the way.
This is because you must remember that such people, of course, also happen to have family and friends "on the outside" too. The neat thing about all of this is that the human species always endures, especially when it comes to protecting one's own family, friends, and loved ones from harm.
Do people love? Of course they do. It's what we need to survive anything and everything on this planet...so this is what always exists for all of us, inevitably.
By contrast...anyone who goes inside an underground bunker to join a crowd of potential backstabbing vipers has to constantly worry about things like clean air, general sabotage, and instant justice being dealt out to various individuals at a moment they might least expect it...this is assuming that various things are not one hundred percent okee-dokee in there without any sense of "doubt" whatsoever.
But then again...whenever it comes to "liars", is there ever any "doubt", really?
I'd just like to point out the whole idea that if anyone really thinks they are ultimately safe inside of any underground facility while making decisions that affect the rest of the human race...it only takes some determination to bring such people back outside again to enjoy the nice contaminated, radioactive horizon on Earth.
Justice doesn't really stop, ever. It only gets delayed from time to time. This is assuming you get any "time" to do much of anything at all to begin with.
So today...I just thought you'd like to know that someone is still watching out for all of you. Never fear. For I Am...
All Seeing...
All Knowing...
I Am Who I Am.
Eternal Love,
J.C. |
Posted 6/19/2006 9:47:12 PM |
Junior Member
Group: Banned Members Last Login: Today @ 2:45:21 AM Posts: 16, Visits: 71 |
Hello everyone. The following message thread can be found at the website: "Welcome Back To Reality News" (use this quoted phrase to locate it on various internet search engines).
Website URL:
Thread URL:
The Latest End Of The World Scenario - June 19, 2006
Oh...looky here people!
This is yet another "what-if scenario" in space/time that has been posed to this lead scientist of Q!
On the "Save Lives In May" forum...we thus take note of the following message to all mankind:
Re: "Project Obsidian" - A Doomsday Scenario For Planet Earth
Quote:From an anonymous forum member:
Sorry for the lack of contact lately, several major events have been put into motion, and I have been entrusted with more and more power regarding what will occur in the next few weeks. As a result I have a little more understanding about what may happen, but I am still too far down the ladder of information right now to know any specifics.
I originally said to remember the 14th, but the date has since been pushed to the 19th. Some evidence of this has already been leaked to the public...
Needless to say, this will hardly be an "excersize" as the government puts it. Also, I know from incoming data that there will be A LOT more than 4000 people going into those bunkers. Some of the most important people in the administartion will be headed to bunkers on the 19th, which worries me greatly. And I myself am on the list of people to go into the bunkers that day.
My assumptions were right, and project "Obsidian" has moved into full swing. I fear that sometime after the 19th, possibly one or two days after, the nuclear waste that I spoke of will be utilized in some way. I know from my informants that all the nuclear waste has been delivered to Kennedy Space Center. This in itself is very strange, since I know from personal experience that things between NASA and the current administation has "cooled" somewhat. For the government to entrust NASA with Obsidian I believe shows some indication of desperation. A possible intervention may be plausible, but more on that later.
If any of you are wondering why I am telling you this, it is because the idealogy of this administation has changed far too greatly for me to sit by and watch. If what I believe is true, possibly millions of people may lose their lives very soon. I will try to learn as much as I can about project Obsidian in the next few days, and keep you posted.
May God bless us all.
I will now address the Illuminati and the New World Order directly.
Just look at how extremely droll all of this is, even though it is "the truth itself".
Yes...this does appear to be "an obvious last ditch Dr. Evil type plan" to kill off the entire world in a neatly executed nuclear holocaust against all Life on Earth, whilst the "elite monkey leadership of the entire world" attempts to escape the entire universe through hiding in their pre-constructed underground bunkers for this very ill-conceived purpose...doesn't it?
Can you see all of this for yourselves, all of you "strange people of the Illuminati"? Do you PROPERLY understand this whole concept yet?
Q says:
"There is no escape, for I am Time itself."
You see...all of you people already blew it a long time ago. It happened "before you were born into this world". So all of you must understand this whole concept PROPERLY for yourselves....
"There is no escape from Time itself. So no matter what you try to do, it has been already been accounted for in the space/time continuum...and an appropriate counteraction has been devised in advance of all possibilities."
Because of this factor...simply be aware that there will NOT be any more new nuclear disasters on this planet.
You are "just an ancestor" to the entire future. So don't you think they just MIGHT have "a vested interest in what happens next during present day" because of that?
You see...
"What's at stake" for all of them and all of us is "all reality". This is because we DO INDEED exist on the very planet that actually caused all of the multiuniverses to come into being.
So if any attempt is made to extinguish the divine reality, then the reprocussions are and have ALWAYS been such that "those responsible for attempting an evil act such as this" will simply be dealt with in the following manner:
"They are to be shufted off into another reality entirely in order to become the ONLY victims of such an attack."
Q: So who are the perpetrators of an event such as this?
Q: But who becomes the victims of it?
Q: And what happens to the good people of the divine reality in the meantime?
Those are the pre-destined consequences of your actions...so I've merely pre-outlined them here for your personal consideration.
"So I wouldn't do this, if I were you."
Plain and simple, and in English:
If any of you so much as try to attempt to do any of this inside the divine reality...then I certainly will ALLOW you to die for "an eternal time" inside of "that other reality".
Since it was YOUR CHOICE to go there.
Perhaps some of you ACTUALLY WANT to live out several eternities of time as "fully conscious dust"...for as long as it takes for you to "fully reform and reconsider your actions against the divine continuum."
You see...you have to think of it "this way":
Spending an ENTIRE eternity "as dust particles" before "being ultimately and completely forced to become good so that you can ultimately complete your pre-determined destiny in time and space as a completely mindless robot who has no real choices left anymore whatsoever except to follow a set script that has been laid out for him already" doesn't REALLY sound "too appealing", now does it?
Am I not merciful? At least you would "live" in such circumstances, if you can call that "living".
It's a good thing to do...if only because your permanent deaths inside of the Time Continuum would certainly affect all of those individuals who might have existed in the future with respect to yourselves.
This is ultimately why "nothing ever really gets permanently destroyed" in any continuum.
But this very idea can be "a curse" just as much as it can be "a blessing".
So it all just depends upon "your personal choice", really.
Never forget that.
So why don't all of you "Illuminati" and "New World Order" types just "give up on this whole petty idea of world destruction"...so that we can all get on with this whole "forgiving each other for our past mistakes" schtick, so that we can ALL "get on with our lives" instead?
Believe me people...living out there, offplanet and among the stars themselves...
Personally viewing all of the universal wonders out there...
This sure SEEMS like "a much better life" than "any other kind of life" you could ever hope for in YOUR IMMEDIATE FUTURE, despite what might YOU might have PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT your relatively MINOR PROBLEMS WERE at THIS point in TIME.
I simply state to you...the truth itself:
There are "no problems at all", unless any of you choose to create them for yourselves.
So here's "a cool idea" for you instead:
"Implement peace and love on the planet. Welcome all of your brand new universal neighbors to Planet Earth. Then all of you can go offworld and visit the entire universe and have a really good time out there."
All of that SURE beats the whole idea of "eventually driving each other completely crazy in your collective grief and your collective guilt" as you rot to death inside of "some kind of stinking underground cave or prison", doesn't it?
- Q
Edited by: axisandallies at: 6/9/06 5:56 am
(6/19/06 1:19 pm)
Re: The Latest End Of The World Scenario - June 19, 2006
Today is June 19, 2006.
Q Says:
"To All Of The People Who Are Going Inside Any Secret Bunkers These Days..."
Happy "Groundhog Day"!
Do groundhogs ever understand the ultimate consequences of their own actions?
Let's find out, shall we? :lol
- Q |
Posted 6/20/2006 9:40:55 PM |
Junior Member
Group: Banned Members Last Login: Today @ 2:45:21 AM Posts: 16, Visits: 71 |
Ha ha ha! 
Some people just never even try to understand the real truth even when it sits directly right in front of them.
c=speed of light
c2 exists as "a perfect square of c" in the universal relativity equation.
So in a "random universe"...you're now betting "infinity to one" that a higher universal design doesn't exist, since the energy over mass ratio equals a perfect square of the speed of light. The speed of light being the maximum speed limit of our perceived universe.
Light, Perceived Time, All Matter..."peaks at c"
Consciousness..."runs at c2"
Consciousness is clearly
The greater force in this universe...
While we exist in a way
That is truly "plain to c".
So is time displacement possible beyond c...
Within the realms of consciousness itself?
Of course!
No problem.
The equation says so.
So thus demonstrates...
Angel Alpha Omega |