Posted 6/7/2006 9:08:00 AM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 11:51:06 AM Posts: 405, Visits: 419 |
From an anonymous forum member:
Sorry for the lack of contact lately, several major events have been put into motion, and I have been entrusted with more and more power regarding what will occur in the next few weeks. As a result I have a little more understanding about what may happen, but I am still too far down the ladder of information right now to know any specifics.
I originally said to remember the 14th, but the date has since been pushed to the 19th. Some evidence of this has already been leaked to the public (see http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/02/AR2006060201410.html). Needless to say, this will hardly be an "excersize" as the government puts it. Also, I know from incoming data that there will be A LOT more than 4000 people going into those bunkers. Some of the most important people in the administartion will be headed to bunkers on the 19th, which worries me greatly. And I myself am on the list of people to go into the bunkers that day.
My assumptions were right, and project "Obsidian" has moved into full swing. I fear that sometime after the 19th, possibly one or two days after, the nuclear waste that I spoke of will be utilized in some way. I know from my informants that all the nuclear waste has been delivered to Kennedy Space Center. This in itself is very strange, since I know from personal experience that things between NASA and the current administation has "cooled" somewhat. For the government to entrust NASA with Obsidian I believe shows some indication of desperation. A possible intervention may be plausible, but more on that later.
If any of you are wondering why I am telling you this, it is because the idealogy of this administation has changed far too greatly for me to sit by and watch. If what I believe is true, possibly millions of people may lose their lives very soon. I will try to learn as much as I can about project Obsidian in the next few days, and keep you posted.
May God bless us all.
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"
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Posted 6/7/2006 12:35:06 PM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 6/14/2006 12:10:27 PM Posts: 10, Visits: 37 |
I am deeply worried. Could you please tell more about this. Like what will possibly happen to the stuff. (the radioactive stuff that is). I hope it would really be only a drill. nothing more nothing less.
Could this also mean the end of the world?
Posted 6/7/2006 1:27:23 PM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 2 days ago @ 7:44:22 PM Posts: 17, Visits: 98 |
Credible channeled material that I read a while back indicated that the Shoemaker-Levy comet back in 94 actually concealed a Reptilian invasion fleet. This was reportedly sabotaged by greys operating here on Earth which resulted in this fleet crashing into Jupiter's surface. My speculation is that this most recent comet Schwassman-Wachmann also concealed some incoming invasion force of some kind. The powers that be(many of whom I believe may be of alien nature themselves) from myviewpoint are terrified of these invaders. (One should take note of the recent release of War of the Worlds---coincidence?). In this context, the nuclear material being sent to the Kennedy Space Center makes sense. It is obviously going to be sent up into space(or attempted to be sent up---it could get shot down) in order to be utilized as a weapon against the "invaders." This should all make for some interesting drama.
Those with the best information are most likely to succeed. |
Posted 6/7/2006 2:40:13 PM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 11:51:06 AM Posts: 405, Visits: 419 |
davidavid999 (6/7/2006)
I am deeply worried. Could you please tell more about this. Like what will possibly happen to the stuff. (the radioactive stuff that is). I hope it would really be only a drill. nothing more nothing less.
Could this also mean the end of the world?
Don't worry...it doesn't accomplish anything but waste valuable time that you could put towards better things. I'll update on this as I can. Be prepared always, not just during times like this. Friends will always be there for you.
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"
FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together: http://www.rangeguide.net/thegrid.htm
Elder's Blog / Gathering Folks Together: http://360.yahoo.com/rangeguide
Posted 6/7/2006 2:42:00 PM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 11:51:06 AM Posts: 405, Visits: 419 |
ericreinhardt (6/7/2006)
Credible channeled material that I read a while back indicated that the Shoemaker-Levy comet back in 94 actually concealed a Reptilian invasion fleet. This was reportedly sabotaged by greys operating here on Earth which resulted in this fleet crashing into Jupiter's surface. My speculation is that this most recent comet Schwassman-Wachmann also concealed some incoming invasion force of some kind. The powers that be(many of whom I believe may be of alien nature themselves) from myviewpoint are terrified of these invaders. (One should take note of the recent release of War of the Worlds---coincidence?). In this context, the nuclear material being sent to the Kennedy Space Center makes sense. It is obviously going to be sent up into space(or attempted to be sent up---it could get shot down) in order to be utilized as a weapon against the "invaders." This should all make for some interesting drama.
Can't say that I agree on this. There are more advanced weapons available besides nukes.
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"
FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together: http://www.rangeguide.net/thegrid.htm
Elder's Blog / Gathering Folks Together: http://360.yahoo.com/rangeguide
Posted 6/7/2006 8:14:45 PM |
Junior Member
Group: Moderators Last Login: 6/20/2006 12:36:43 PM Posts: 12, Visits: 69 |
Ah, this is the post I was looking for. The URL posted at my forum doesn't work, so I apologize for starting a new topic asking where to find this information.
Posted 6/8/2006 9:21:50 AM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 11:51:06 AM Posts: 405, Visits: 419 |
HAARP has recently been upped to 3.6 Gigs from about 1.5 (not exactly sure but in that neighbourhood). and on the planning document it shows they plan to take it to 100 Gigs...!!!!
Jeanne Manning talks about the way changes in our electromagnetic surroundings effect our bodies--especially the heart and brain. Mind control anyone? Now you know why you've been feeling funky lately. This is especially true (for me anyways) on chemtrail days (that will be pretty much any 'clear' day) as chemtrails make the atmosphere more conductive; and it is especially true for the past few months since they've cranked HAARP to 3.6 Gigs. I've also noticed electrical malfunctions--computers etc...
This video was made when HAARP was still at the lower levels....imagine....
As Eastlund (scientist who invented HAARP) said "This is just a great big toy---and scientists love toys"
Thanks to Hidatsa-Ena Sa for the heads-up on this!
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"
FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together: http://www.rangeguide.net/thegrid.htm
Elder's Blog / Gathering Folks Together: http://360.yahoo.com/rangeguide
Posted 6/8/2006 9:37:45 AM |
Junior Member
Group: Moderators Last Login: 6/20/2006 12:36:43 PM Posts: 12, Visits: 69 |
Ah ~ maybe that explains the mysterious heart arrhythmia that I've developed over the past 2 years that comes and goes without any explanation.

Posted 6/8/2006 3:09:27 PM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 11:51:06 AM Posts: 405, Visits: 419 |
Posted 6/8/2006 4:23:45 PM |
Junior Member
Group: Moderators Last Login: 6/20/2006 12:36:43 PM Posts: 12, Visits: 69 |
Well, with only 11 days to go until Bunker Day ~ it will be interesting to see if this special person has any more information to share with us. Tic~Toc!
I was thinking last night on the subject of "Government Continuity", and I couldn't help but think about how appropriate it would be to use the same day (June 19th) for the establishment of "Constituent Continuity". It only makes sense that if a government is to survive a major disaster that the people should survive as well, otherwise ~ there would be nobody to govern. Right?
