Save Lives In May
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Posted 6/5/2006 12:36:53 PM
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Group: Forum Members
Last Login: 6/11/2006 2:51:31 AM
Posts: 1, Visits: 46
Hi Everyone,

               I just wanted to say how happy that nothing occured on May 25....I think with love and prays sent from around the world might have delayed the time on this happening......Its only a matter of time...take a look at all the weather patterns around the world,it was not like this 30 to 40 years ago..earthquakes are happening more often. People should not fault  Eric as i am sure he has a reason for all this.Think of it this way, it has made us more aware of what do. My mum has always told me if there ever was a tsunami warning issued always take the first warning as the second time it is issued you will not be able to get out of the city because of Eric has opened a door for us to learn and help each..fix up our mistakes.Remember Eric has shown us a path...we can go anyway we want to go...the only thing we cannot change is the time we are born and the time we die....this is our blueprint.I know many times i have had dreams with dates, sometimes things came true other time the dates were delayed..i don't know why this happens only God know the answer. Only a very caring man would predict this and choose to share this with everyone just in case it would happen so lives would be spared.To all the cruel people who make fun of Eric's prediction just because it did not occur...image if it did happened...would you still be here?

Love Always

Post #614
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