Posted 7/13/2006 12:41:45 AM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: Yesterday @ 12:08:08 AM Posts: 23, Visits: 42 |
I was just wondering if anyone is going into hiding inspite of the the current world events. Iran, Syria, Isreal, Lebonan, North Korea, China, Japan, and US. Things have gotten heated up and now the day of the next World War may just happen. I pray it does not, because of all the innocent people out there. I wish there was something we can all do about it. So, I will sit at my house and pray about, because this is the greatest thing I can do for everyone. May God Bless us all.
Posted 7/13/2006 5:18:30 AM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: Yesterday @ 6:03:54 PM Posts: 17, Visits: 59 |
Yes things don't look so good. I just read a book about Nostradamus and WW3, well from what I see happening in the world I can surely say that Nostradamus was right. WW3 will start in the middle east said Nostradamus, and the current state of that region agrees with his prediction. Israel will play an important in triggering WW3, and from what we see on tv it is doing a "great" job.
If something doesn't happen, something important that could change the way people see life, the current flow of things will bring only a World War. If someone cares for us up there it is time for them to act now because any delay will make things worst. But who know maby a World War is what we need to change our mentality. According to Nostradamus after WW3 a great enlightement will happen, much will change to good. Nostradamus said that 100 years will be from the end of WW2 to the end of WW3.
From 1945 (the end of WW2) until now 2006, passed 61 years. So there are 39 years left. But remember 39 years are until the end of WW3, we don't know how long the war will be.
We can't be sure this will happen because even Nostradamus said that we can change things, but we can change them in many ways and a World War can still happen. Nostradamus predicted that good aliens will try to help us but they will be taken down. He said that we have some kind of shields around that can prevent alien from entering Earth.
It does not matter if a World War will start or not, this world will change in the next 50 years like no one could have ever imagine.
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Posted 7/13/2006 7:28:31 AM |
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Posted 7/13/2006 10:46:50 AM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 12:11:38 AM Posts: 431, Visits: 464 |
Would you be so kind as to tell us a little about your links here first, and a summary of what we should expect to see?
Thanks ~ Elder
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Posted 7/13/2006 12:26:40 PM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 12:11:38 AM Posts: 431, Visits: 464 |
Witness (7/13/2006)
I was just wondering if anyone is going into hiding inspite of the the current world events. Iran, Syria, Isreal, Lebonan, North Korea, China, Japan, and US. Things have gotten heated up and now the day of the next World War may just happen. I pray it does not, because of all the innocent people out there. I wish there was something we can all do about it. So, I will sit at my house and pray about, because this is the greatest thing I can do for everyone. May God Bless us all.
Its got to happen in the Middle East, there is no stopping the reaping of the whirlwind there. Judea has been holding the world hostage with nukes for a long time (Operation Samson).
Be on alert around July 23rd...just a vision.
FIRE THE GRID! It works...We've proven it.
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but the TRUTH conquers all."
FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together: http://www.rangeguide.net/thegrid.htm
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Posted 7/13/2006 3:53:02 PM |
Junior Member
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Posted 2 days ago @ 9:48:44 AM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 2 days ago @ 4:39:38 PM Posts: 13, Visits: 97 |
Pericle (7/13/2006)
Yes things don't look so good. I just read a book about Nostradamus and WW3, well from what I see happening in the world I can surely say that Nostradamus was right. WW3 will start in the middle east said Nostradamus, and the current state of that region agrees with his prediction. Israel will play an important in triggering WW3, and from what we see on tv it is doing a "great" job.
Isreal's been planning this for quite some time, and now today, no one is going to do anything to them, as the would-be opposition forces are either completely pacified, too preoccupied with other things, or are too weak to do anything. So now, Isreal can rampage through the region as they please, no matter how bogus the pretext, and not have to worry about any serious opposition or threat.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia et al have been pacified.
Iraq is in a complete state of anarchy.
Iran can't pass through Iraq in order to aid the Palestinians/Hizbullah because the Americans are there. If they try, the Americans will attack from Afghanistan. Afghanistan won't rebel against the Americans because their bases have been occupied (central asia as well as in Pakistan).
This invasion also makes sense of why so much pressure was put on Syria to withdraw their people from Lebanon. Isreal has a free reign to do whatever they like to the Lebanon. Slowly slowly, the senselessness of their outrageous acts start to make a lot of sense, and the pieces of their master plan start to come together. There is indeed a method to their madness. Of course, they make it difficult for us to figure it out, as they spread it over a long period of time, so we forget about the pieces they set up earlier.
Posted 2 days ago @ 12:51:59 PM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: Yesterday @ 6:03:54 PM Posts: 17, Visits: 59 |
There is a website where someone talk about all the great World Wars and sais that every part of our history is a very well done plan, wars don't just happen they are made.
Now when it comes to the New World Order "they" planed to do this with 3 World Wars, the last will happen because of Israel and mainly because of the Middle East instability.
This, if the predictions are right, is the beginning of WW3. We don't know when this will start to have a big impact on our lifes and other territories, but if this crisis with Israel will involve USA, Iran, and Syria we can be very sure that WW3 has just began.
WW1 began because some prince was assasinated, but that was just the excuse.
WW2 began because germans soldiers dressed up in polish soldiers attacked a german outpost.
WW3 began because 2 israeli soldiers were kidnaped by terrorists.
This are, well, the "official" reasons why we had 2 World Wars. The third fits very well with the other 2.
I don't know about WW3 but WW4 will be fought with bows and arrows.
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Posted 2 days ago @ 6:54:53 PM |
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members Last Login: Yesterday @ 5:42:01 PM Posts: 2, Visits: 5 |
Be on alert around July 23rd...just a vision.
You mean stuff like this ?
The UN in Midtown Manhattan will be hit by a sea borne nuclear bomb sometime in the Biblical month of Tammuz, i.e. before Sundown July 28th, 2006. We expect this to happen on 2006Tammuz28/29 i.e. between Sundown Tuesday July 25th and Sundown Thursday July 27th, 2006.
Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you are right.
Posted 2 days ago @ 7:24:55 PM |
simple Being, but a being
Group: Administrators Last Login: Yesterday @ 11:00:23 PM Posts: 82, Visits: 2,462 |
I have recently received : "Next step : July 28th. Something big, whatever what you do".
Cordially, Eric.
Il faut toujours attendre la fin de l'histoire pour conclure