Posted 7/11/2006 4:08:07 PM |
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Does one have to be a physicist to understand some of these recent posts : I'm not a complete idiot but so much of what is posted here is so vague and there rarely is follow up to questions...is that because there really are no answers?
Does anyone else wish that someone would come in here and speak to us in lay terms instead of all this cryptic stuff?
Posted 7/12/2006 2:43:18 PM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 12:11:38 AM Posts: 431, Visits: 464 |
sisterfreak (7/11/2006)
Does one have to be a physicist to understand some of these recent posts :  I'm not a complete idiot but so much of what is posted here is so vague and there rarely is follow up to questions...is that because there really are no answers?
Does anyone else wish that someone would come in here and speak to us in lay terms instead of all this cryptic stuff?
You have valid questions. I realize that Eric has a great handicap with not being able to address the English forum nearly as well as the French. I have many questions myself, and feel somewhat "abandoned". Many of us want to know what is going on, and about "the new era". We've all gotten stirred, and involved, and then...well...where is Eric?
I've translated, and expressed to the best of my understanding, after talking directly with Eric, what has been shared here since May. Additionally, I've shared FIRE THE GRID! with you, and it has been a documented success that leaves me feeling some accomplishment with all the time I've invested in SLIM...hundreds of hours of time.
But what can I say? Eric is not here. Eric no longer responds to me. I do not know what he plans to do from here, even though I've asked. The offer Eric made to me, to assist him in his endeavor, has been...changed...and I'm no longer needed, and communications have ceased. I don't even know if this website or forum will be here another day. I have been left "out of the loop" like the rest of you.
But lets not assume the worse. Maybe Eric will step forward and reveal to us what "the new era" means to him, and what it holds for us. Because leaving us alone to "go figure" does not speak well of Eric's endeavor here, and only serves in leading us to believe that he has not been sincere, or he does not know what's going on himself. Questions go unanswered.
I know that Eric is endeavoring to get the English book in print for us to understand more, but you'd think there would be time to respond to those of us that have been loyally supportive of the the intent of SLIM and the ecents that appear to support SLIM's (and others that have TAKEN ACTION besides Eric) success with Divine Strake. You would think that there would be some kind of update after a month.
Nevertheless, I'm not waiting for cordial answers any longer. I'm moving forward with what I've contributed thusfar, and more. Remember, Eric never said he was here to lead us or wanting followers. We must all find our way, and understand the power available to each of us. Ultimately, we must be the ones to take individual action and responsibility. We must learn that we are not alone, even if Eric never shows up here again.
It continues to appear that too few people are willing to work together, and it has been frustrating for Eric, for me, and for several of you to deal with negative people that only want to ask unenlightened questions and have the knowledge of the universe handed to them on a silver platter without making any serious effort themselves, or worse.
Bear this in mind, my friends. We must not jump to conclusions, ever. Maybe Eric will TAKE ACTION again soon. And maybe he will give, those of us that have supported the search for truth and revelations from the hosts of the heavens, some deserving recognition and news soon.
If you wish to share with me, contact me at and continue posting here as long as you wish. Send Eric your good thoughts of encouragment, even if it appears that he has abandoned you too. Learn from all things...be strong...seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and all you really need to know will be revealed. No one man/woman can be expected to do for you what you must do yourself. Maybe that is part of what Eric wants us to understand in his absence.
You know where you can reach me, and I'll respond to the kind in heart.
Love & Light ~ Elder
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but the TRUTH conquers all."
FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together: http://www.rangeguide.net/thegrid.htm
Freewaves / Sacred Circle Of Sound: http://www.rangeguide.net/freewaves.htm
Posted 7/13/2006 10:59:38 PM |
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Group: Forum Members Last Login: 2 days ago @ 4:38:16 PM Posts: 34, Visits: 89 |
Elder, thanks for the reply.
Posted 2 days ago @ 8:51:48 AM |
simple Being, but a being
Group: Administrators Last Login: Yesterday @ 11:00:23 PM Posts: 82, Visits: 2,462 |
Hello Elder,
Why don't you just explain that I have written and told you several time that I am VERY busy ? It is quite simple to explain my absence. But you are right, I never said I was here to lead anybody or wanting followers. I've done my cosmic job as you did and we serve the Great Source all of us. My job is continuing and I regret not to have enough time to share with you for the moment but we will see each other very soon.
Cordially, Eric.
Il faut toujours attendre la fin de l'histoire pour conclure
Posted 2 days ago @ 11:18:11 AM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 12:11:38 AM Posts: 431, Visits: 464 |
Eric Julien (7/14/2006)
Hello Elder,
Why don't you just explain that I have written and told you several time that I am VERY busy ? It is quite simple to explain my absence. But you are right, I never said I was here to lead anybody or wanting followers. I've done my cosmic job as you did and we serve the Great Source all of us. My job is continuing and I regret not to have enough time to share with you for the moment but we will see each other very soon.
Cordially, Eric.
Oookaaay...I will explain, my friend.
On July 6, I got a response from Eric after telling him about Gabriel Boccardo's lies and that it is a waste of time to respond to this rude person. Eric responded to this and also stated that he is very busy and has decided to work alone (without me as CEO). After inquiring about the reason for this later that day, Eric repeated that he was very busy again. So I have made a mistake by not being clear about communications. I did get two emails stating that Eric was very busy. Again, I have said before that Eric was busy in my earlier response in this thread.
I was somewhat stunned to learn that I was no longer needed by email later on July 6th, and had not been given a cordial call to explain till after I emailed for an explanation (and I got another reason other than Eric's desire to work alone that had not been completely disclosed regarding the "contingency" I was later informed about). I honestly believe that there could have been a cordial call after all the help I've been in ways that I cannot discuss here openly, but that may be selfish of me. I think that last minute changes in business, wherein you lose a job, that you have been asked to do a month before and had been working on to find a Spanish translator and publishers, would make anyone a bit upset. I work 16 - 18 hours a day, and I can always find time to call my friends, especially those I work with in business...but this too, may be selfish of me.
I was also a bit discouraged that our July 4th plans and a "plans for the future" meeting later that week were both cancelled, the first without a call to explain, just silence. My discouragement about this may also be selfish of me.
Eric was kind to console me about my discouragement, stating a desire to meet again soon, and I was very happy. Everyone, please understand that I can get very attached to special friends (especially those that understand and appreciate the same things with the passion like I have too), and this is a thing that I have to work very hard at trying to avoid. It is my fault that I got discouraged about the cancellation of CEO and the cancelled meetings. I was very enthusiastic about working with Eric, and then I allowed myself to get discouraged when I was no longer needed for anything, and communications, other than a few initiated by me, ceased, and we did not speak by phone anymore. This may have been selfish of me.
Okay, my friend, there is the "simple" explanation, as best as I can state it without disclosing things that breach security.
I did not want to get into these details when explaining your absence to others here that have looked to your leadership as I have regarding SLIM. It is true that we need to follow the leadership in the example that people set for others to see.
I am glad to understand now that Eric's job is done here, and it I think it helps us all understand better. It was good to be reminded of this, as it was always in my mind, and I had failed to remember.
It is true that our cosmic job is done with Eric's alerts and my FIRE THE GRID! events (with SLIM), and lets not forget all the great work that Craig Boswell has done regarding documentation of dreams and French to English translations too. I am very happy with the great success, and I'm forever thankful for the opportunity Eric presented with SLIM and for th ET's announcing me to Eric, for my part in this in SLIM, and helping Eric with other things. Many lives were saved. I'm glad to know Craig too.
No matter what anyone may think of what has been openly and honestly said herein, Eric is a terrific guy (needing no praise from others), and if you ever met him you would understand what I've said even more. I'm grateful to have his friendship, and it is easy to misunderstand in these trying times, especially when you seem to have the world on your shoulders. LOVE RULES!...and it endures...
Many of us want to know where things go to from here, now that SLIM's "impact" has been successfully completed. Many of us want to know more about "the new era" that Eric has spoken of. But we must pe patient, starting with myself, and take what we have learned and continue with our own paths to the Kingdom of Heaven. I enthusiastically encourage you all to get Eric's book The Science of Extraterrestrials when it is released in English (and I still want my autographed copy, Eric ... lol).
We are so loved. Eric and Eve love us very much, and have risked a great deal to expose what has been exposed to us, proving their love by example, and the love of friends in the heavens. You that have remained here have proven yours too. Lets move forward with that in the front of our minds.
I look forward to seeing you soon, my brother.
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but the TRUTH conquers all."
FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together: http://www.rangeguide.net/thegrid.htm
Freewaves / Sacred Circle Of Sound: http://www.rangeguide.net/freewaves.htm
Posted 2 days ago @ 11:44:33 AM |
simple Being, but a being
Group: Forum Members Last Login: Yesterday @ 11:22:54 AM Posts: 81, Visits: 318 |
Yes, there is a "big job" in front of us. |
Posted 2 days ago @ 1:02:08 PM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 12:11:38 AM Posts: 431, Visits: 464 |
Posted 2 days ago @ 1:36:31 PM |
simple Being, but a being
Group: Forum Members Last Login: Yesterday @ 11:22:54 AM Posts: 81, Visits: 318 |
It is regarding a topic on the French forum "25 mai 2006, saga d'une guerre évitée" / last paragraph " La preuve par l'action ".
And if you want to know more about my interest, you can look at the topic " Rêve étrange " on the French forum.
Posted 2 days ago @ 1:37:24 PM |
simple Being, but a being
Group: Administrators Last Login: Yesterday @ 11:00:23 PM Posts: 82, Visits: 2,462 |
Thank you Elder for all these interesting details. I do thank you for all the help you provided to me and Eve until now. And I do thank you Craig for his great help too. I will be indefinitely grateful.
Cordially, Eric.
Il faut toujours attendre la fin de l'histoire pour conclure
Posted 2 days ago @ 2:50:00 PM |
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Group: Forum Members Last Login: 2 days ago @ 4:38:16 PM Posts: 34, Visits: 89 |
[quote]Enna (7/14/2006)
It is regarding a topic on the French forum "25 mai 2006, saga d'une guerre évitée" / last paragraph " La preuve par l'action ".
And if you want to know more about my interest, you can look at the topic " Rêve étrange " on the French forum.
I can't read French. Is there more posted there than in the English forum?