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Asteroid 2004 XP14 ~ 600m Expand / Collapse
Posted 6/30/2006 9:30:35 AM
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Last Login: 6/30/2006 10:20:34 AM
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British Astronomical Association
Comet Section:

Asteroid & Comet Obsevations:




Forbes used long period comets aphelia to predict an undiscovered planetary orbit similar to Vulcan's astrologically derived orbit in terms of period, inclination and node. A dense Jovian sized Vulcan (about 0.1% solar mass) is now anticipated. Hoyle has postulated that meteor strikes averaging 10,000 years are responsible for initiating and terminating Ice Ages. Periodic global ice variations and interglacial periods last about 10,000 years. This value is related to the periodicity of the Vulcan induced comet swarms. Our current warm interglacial period began about 10,000 years ago and may be nearing an end. Unconventional sources indicate the probability of multiple comet strikes or near misses within the next 36 years. Two such independent sources indicate that these events will start around 2006-2007 with others following in the next six to thirty-two years. At most, a two-year visual warning is anticipated. Prehistoric catastrophic circumstances are explored and cross-correlated with the current description of the threatening comet swarms.



Post #1844
Posted 6/30/2006 9:35:56 AM
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Last Login: 6/30/2006 10:20:34 AM
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Freak weather kills German farmer
Hailstones on a man's palm
The giant hailstones smashed through car windscreens
A freak hailstorm and heavy rain in south-west Germany has left one man dead and about one hundred injured.

Police said a farmer drowned as he tried to move his herd following flash floods near Offenburg, in the Black Forest region of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Some 100 people were hurt, mostly with cuts to the head, when hailstones said to be the size of tennis balls fell in Villingen-Schwenningen.

Severe weather also damaged many cars and wrecked a bridge in the region.

Emergency services said many people had to be taken to hospital for treatment, the AFP news agency reported.

"It looks like a war has hit us," a fireman was quoted as saying.

Many homes were left without electricity.

Residents told Reuters news agency it was one of the worst storms they had experienced.

Have you been affected by the freak weather in south-west Germany? Send us your comments and experiences. Any pictures or video should be sent to , or by mms by dialling +44 (0)7725 100100 and 3G: +44 (0)7888 100 100.

Just ~ The cult post is not fit for this forum, and thanks for the links, but lets have FAIR USE content here instead of sending people all over the internet. Thanks!

Post #1845
Posted 6/30/2006 10:15:19 AM
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Elder (6/29/2006)
Care to elaborate on which ones?

Well, for starters, how about Nancy Lieder, and her unfulfilled prediction about the Planet X passage that was supposed to happen in 2003? That turned out to be a COMPLETE lie, as the existance of such a planet couldn't even be substantiated, let alone any inbound passage of it. Everything she offered to justify it, was all junk-science.

Eric Julien gets more credit, as his comet actually existed, he's actually familiar with the science regarding the subject, and there was, apparently, at least one alleged impact reported (though very insignificant). The problem, is that there wasn't any pan-Atlantic mega-tsunami to go with it, which was the main focus of this whole website. The other problem, is that it was all based on an interpretation of a clarvoyance dream to begin with, which could've meant anything. So, ET gets put into the equation, and it all of a sudden becomes a prediction about a specific event on a specific date. The clarvoyance dream may have been correct, but the interpretation of it, largely contributed by ET, was not.

The common denominator in both predictions is ET, as is this third prediction. If history is any indication, I doubt we can expect any true fulfillment of this third one, if its sole source is ET. I think it's pretty obvious that ET isn't very reliable, so it's probably in everyone's best interest not to take their messages very seriously. I guess they aren't the intelligent, benevolent, honest beings that they are always thought to be. They're probably more dishonest and deceptive than people are. This then raises the question of whether they are even "ETs" at all, as they could very well be lying about that too. People's descriptions of them, give the impression that they're spirit beings. Given their deceptions and manipulations they engage in against people, one must conclude that they're also evil, thus making them "evil spirits".

Anyway, I intend to enjoy this July 4th weekend, as well as the 4th itself on Tuesday, and I'm not giving this "comet impact between July 3rd and 5th" a second thought.
Post #1847
Posted 6/30/2006 10:28:04 AM



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International Man of Mystery (6/30/2006)
Elder (6/29/2006)
Care to elaborate on which ones?

Well, for starters, how about Nancy Lieder, and her unfulfilled prediction about the Planet X passage that was supposed to happen in 2003? That turned out to be a COMPLETE lie, as the existance of such a planet couldn't even be substantiated, let alone any inbound passage of it. Everything she offered to justify it, was all junk-science.

Eric Julien gets more credit, as his comet actually existed, he's actually familiar with the science regarding the subject, and there was, apparently, at least one alleged impact reported (though very insignificant). The problem, is that there wasn't any pan-Atlantic mega-tsunami to go with it, which was the main focus of this whole website. The other problem, is that it was all based on an interpretation of a clarvoyance dream to begin with, which could've meant anything. So, ET gets put into the equation, and it all of a sudden becomes a prediction about a specific event on a specific date. The clarvoyance dream may have been correct, but the interpretation of it, largely contributed by ET, was not.

The common denominator in both predictions is ET, as is this third prediction. If history is any indication, I doubt we can expect any true fulfillment of this third one, if its sole source is ET. I think it's pretty obvious that ET isn't very reliable, so it's probably in everyone's best interest not to take their messages very seriously. I guess they aren't the intelligent, benevolent, honest beings that they are always thought to be. They're probably more dishonest and deceptive than people are. This then raises the question of whether they are even "ETs" at all, as they could very well be lying about that too. People's descriptions of them, give the impression that they're spirit beings. Given their deceptions and manipulations they engage in against people, one must conclude that they're also evil, thus making them "evil spirits".

Anyway, I intend to enjoy this July 4th weekend, as well as the 4th itself on Tuesday, and I'm not giving this "comet impact between July 3rd and 5th" a second thought.

You would understand what Eric has had to say if you read it all. You've made errors in your spin on what Eric has said as a result (like several others). I suggest you read everything that has been said before you make your groundless, derogatory remarks.

There was no need for an impact of the nature Eric spoke of when DIVINE STRAKE was cancelled ~ the option you obviously missed, and leads to the rest of your erroneous concepts about what Eric has said.

I'm enjoying the holiday too, even if it is "Independence Illusion Day".

"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"

FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together:
Elder's Blog / Gathering Folks Together:

Post #1848
Posted 6/30/2006 12:07:21 PM
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[quote]Elder (6/30/2006)
You would understand what Eric has had to say if you read it all. You've made errors in your spin on what Eric has said as a result (like several others). I suggest you read everything that has been said before you make your groundless, derogatory remarks.

There was no need for an impact of the nature Eric spoke of when DIVINE STRAKE was cancelled ~ the option you obviously missed, and leads to the rest of your erroneous concepts about what Eric has said.

I'm enjoyingthe holiday too, even if it is"Independence Illusion Day".[/quote]

Yes, I'm aware of what Eric has said, regarding "divine strake" being cancelled, and that being the reason ET cancelled the mega-tsunami. It is a decent reason, is somewhat consistent with the story behind the mega-tsunami, and can't exactly be proven or disproven. That's why I give Eric more credit, and why I said his clarvoyance dream may have been correct. I just didn't see the need to go into detail about it since he and you already have so many times already. My concern is the ET aspect of it, and how accurate and reliable they are as a source of truthful information.
Post #1857
Posted 6/30/2006 1:35:36 PM
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This may be very true statement. Everybody knows their are two forces working in this world, Good and Evil. Everybody knows my beliefs and their are many people receiving dreams these days that say the end is coming. I recieved a few myself. I still stand by what I said weeks ago about the aliens and I agree with the international man of mystery. Where does your faith lie is the question? Everybody in forum can answer this one. Mine is in Jesus.

Post #1859
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