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Prophecies of Moses Expand / Collapse
Posted 6/25/2006 10:33:22 AM
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Here is an interesting link:

If the link will not work, then you may have to go type in the main address to find it. The whole site is very interesting.
Post #1674
Posted 6/25/2006 9:57:12 PM
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The rapture is find and dandy but how can we move onto an elevated state of universal awareness and still find time to defend ourselves against Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, China, Russia and those angry weather balloons out there?

All Kidding aside, I have heard so many different versions of the rapture that I am totally confused. Do you leave Earth for good without passing away first?

Post #1688
Posted 6/26/2006 4:05:53 AM
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Cool link Mystikal. Indeed very very interesting I wish I could go in Egipt and see those signs.

You see prophecies can be broken and changed! But that means there has to be a change in human conscience and awareness. If nothing changes then this will happen.

As for the rupture, in a way blitteaur99 you do die! But you see death is just and entrance in a new world or an exit from this one. You won't "die" and vanish forever. Your soul is eternal. But for the ones that won't ascend and you do well you are gone forever for them.

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Post #1690
Posted 6/26/2006 5:27:27 AM
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Hi all, although I am also convinced that something big is about to happen, I must say I am always a little sceptic about such channeled 'prophecies' published on the internet.
Apparently they are all from famous souls Moses or Jesus or Buddha - the next one is from the Pleijades...
The messages are all different from each other and I suspect - sorry to say that - many false prophets behind it.
I do know that this is an interesting time where many of us awake and search for answers, but isn't it best listen to your own heart if you want truth? No offense, just my humble opinion...

Pericle, pls can you let me understand better about your opinion on the Rapture?
When we die, we go to other realms, that is clear to me - but I don't quite catch the difference to the rapture as described by yourself. Thanks very much!

Post #1692
Posted 6/26/2006 6:25:54 AM
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@ vincezh

First of all IMO all prophecies are the same. They all conect. The one with Moses on this topic is not that far fetched. On all my readings about prophecies what I find is that the world will end. Now let me explain a bit this "end". This end they talk about is an end to this world. But that dosen't mean Earth will be gone, you or me. It is a change, not an end. It is an end in our eyes. The world is always changing! The sad part is that when you change something you destroy what was before it. So in a way it is an end of what is now!

Now the death part (Rapture). Remember that first and foremost you are a soul. Souls are a part of the Universal God and they do not die! In the end of time, space, everything, all souls will go back to God. (I don't talk about our God, Jesus, etc. The Universal God is different, he's behind everything). You will never die, you as you are today, right now will exist only on this Earth in this time. Never will you be here again as you are now. This is the only time your soul will be the person you are now! When you "die" on Earth, you will become aware of your soul and you will become a different person, then you will be THE soul. And the soul (you) will look at your life on Earth. A life its just one personality of the soul you have. When the Rapture happens your life on Earth as you know it now will end. But it is not the end of YOU. We are all eternal.

It is highly possible that you had many lifes before this one. You don't remember them? This is because any memory of a previous life will fluence your curent one and the soul doesn't need to live the same life again! Remember that a soul has no female or male sexes. You are both.

And about the "end of time" be certain that Earth and life will be here long after we all die. Our civilization might die, but another one will apear. As far as I know there will be a huge change in our world today, BUT our civilization will not die!

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Post #1696
Posted 6/26/2006 7:01:28 AM
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Thank you Pericle for such a good explanation of this!
I was aware of many facts in your posting, but this sums it up understandable and also logical!
Post #1697
Posted 6/26/2006 8:33:26 AM
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Thank you Pericle for this excellent explanation !

Cordially, Eric.

Il faut toujours attendre la fin de l'histoire pour conclure

Post #1698
Posted 6/26/2006 10:58:44 AM
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Thank you guys! I feel honored to be helpful. I would gladly answer you any questions.

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Post #1703
Posted 6/26/2006 12:32:46 PM
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I dont believe in this other lifetime stuff. First of all the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be with our father in heaven. Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life no man come onto the father but by me. He also says if you see me you see the father. So, this would indicate that if you believe in jesus christ you will go to heaven. This is a pretty simple thing. Now, I know alot of people in this world like to mix religion. They try to use one religion to explain another, but when it comes to the bible this can't be done. The bible is God's word made by man through the power of his holy spirit. The bible also tells at the end of time we will get new bodies like jesus has.

To those who wonder about prophecy let me give you a little dose of biblical prophecy interpetation.
This represents the United States beginnings

Daniel 7:4
4 The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

The Lion is Great Britain and the Eagle is the United States.

The word plucked is the United States becoming a nation and starting to care for the people of the world.

As you can see the United States is caring still, but corrupted.

Now read revelation, and you will see that it lines up with the events that are going today.

One of the most famous verses in 666 and that every one cannot by or sell without the mark.

This is neat because there is corporation installing chips into people's arms. Even though, this is not the mark of the beast itself if has the potential to become the mark later. Here is the web site read Revelation 13

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

I have a ton more prophecies.

Now, one man said that revelation was in Nero's time. This does not make any sense and does not have any strong claims to back up the argument.

For prophecy's all over the bible and revelation line up. The bible does contradict itself it you read it in context and with an understanding of time period.

Thanks for listening my friends,
Your faithful witness of Jesus

Post #1709
Posted 6/26/2006 3:19:32 PM
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@ Witness

Jesus was a soul which came on Earth to help us! He had a very developed state of awareness about the world! The life of Jesus was just one life he had here trying to help us. And when Jesus wants to make us like him he wants in fact to make us all aware of our world and understand it better and conect with our soul! The problem with Earth is that we lost any spiritual development. We can't see our soul when being here. We lose conection with God while here. And we need spiritual development if we want to evolve!

As for the Bible I am sure there are many mistakes in it! But as any holy book it is a key to understand our world. What is written there will happen if that is what we choose! There is an irony in this: when people believe in certain things, that in which they believe will happen! If you truly believe in the Bible then that will happen! There is also the thing called fate! We as a nation and civilization have a common fate! Our combined will can change anything, even our future. We can change the words in the Bible! Even Jesus didn't say what the future holds for us! Because He said we make our future. But you see Jesus is not here anymore, the ones which govern the world right now I must say are enemies to Jesus. And yes Jesus is still alive.

One must understand that he holds the power to change the world. When that person will believe that, be certain he will change it! Useing the Bible: God made us after his image! (In every way possible) There's nothing that can stop us to be as God himself! But you see our current world lacks spiritual development! If you wish to become like Jesus you need to relearn everything. The human body and mind can become anything, even God, the problem is that we don't know how to use them. We are in a Dark Age when it come to spiritual things. Love is a way out. Souls are meant to go back to their creator, God, and become one with God.

But leaving aside the Bible and other religions I have a question for you: Who made us?

1. Did we evolve?
2. Did the God in the Bible made us?
3. Did the Anunnaki made us?
4. Did the Reptoids made us?

Who is our creator? Wait, we are all souls and we were made by God! My question is not right. Who made the human body which our souls take and use for a life on Earth? That's the question. I'm certain it is not the God who made our souls. Becoming like Jesus means to leave this body and become a spirit. That is what all good religions on this Earth teach. Getting to know yourself and become a highly spiritual being. This has nothing to do with our body only with our soul. Our body is a manifestation of a low vibration! A high vibration being like Jesus, Budha, etc. don't need a body, they are pure light.

We should stop asking who made us and why because the answer is in us! In fact all the answers are in us, we just have to search them. Writing this I found an answer. Who made us? Now I know.

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