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Posted 6/21/2006 10:22:56 AM



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Please feel free to post here (no foul language please).

As of approx. 3:45pm EDT, there have been no posts HERE in support of the personal attacks and censorship at STA, and none are expected. But at least a fair opportunity was offered here that shows my true nature that STA admin., et al has attempted to malign (and Eric's). The admin and certain members continue to pat each other on the back and spin their story as they stumble around with their apocalyptic surfboards.

There are still great posts there by STA members that are superb, and they do not buy into or get entangled in the attack and censorship that continues by the admin/deceived-supporters in a pitiful attempt to cover up their internal catastrophe in the exposure of their censorship to prevent me from talking about things that hurt THEIR ADVERTISING BUSINESS.

Its really funny watching the shmoozing and disinformation about what has happened, pretending to make a SUPERIOR, competitive product look bad, EVEN THOUGH THERE IS PROOF AVAILABLE TO ANY REGISTERED PERSON SEEKING LAB AND CLINICAL STUDIES spanning over 15 years.

So, there is where it lies, and you can see, by the total absence of any support here for STA, that its the STA admin/owner that is the dishonest.

Now that this has been laid to rest, there is much work to be done here at SLIM!

Enjoy your visit !(STA & GLP members welcome)

"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"

FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together:
Elder's Blog / Gathering Folks Together:

Post #1542
Posted 6/21/2006 1:03:26 PM
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Sorry for the question.
English is not my first language, so sometimes I don't understand some words. What is a "STA"?

I don't want to make troubles here, so I need to understand.
Post #1547
Posted 6/21/2006 1:06:28 PM
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Forgets my question, I have just red the other topic regarding STA, OK I understand, no more question.
Post #1548
Posted 6/21/2006 5:06:14 PM
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Dammit Elder, will you hurry up and ban me?

Mr Pot - I'd like you to meet Mr Kettle. Mr Kettle - this is Mr Pot!

Oh the delicious irony!

Seems the people at STA promote a competitve brand of Snake Oil. And they delete your posts, and then ban you.

They must be paranoid deluded bullies.
Post #1558
Posted 6/21/2006 5:52:25 PM
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As of approx. 3:45pm EDT, there have been no posts HERE in support of the personal attacks and censorship at STA, and none are expected.

Elder, this post is off topic. Why are you opening a thread for another forum to post here? Especially a forum that you do not trust or like. Do you want people to attack you?

And you are not making this board or yourself any better by calling the STA a bunch of idiots. (I know you never said that but that's what you are implying) You have gone down to their level. Well the level of the the people who are attacking you.

You are breaking your own rules by continuing to defame and disgrace the STA forum. Just drop it.
Post #1560
Posted 6/21/2006 6:44:49 PM



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wanderer (6/21/2006)
As of approx. 3:45pm EDT, there have been no posts HERE in support of the personal attacks and censorship at STA, and none are expected.

Elder, this post is off topic. Why are you opening a thread for another forum to post here? Especially a forum that you do not trust or like. Do you want people to attack you?

And you are not making this board or yourself any better by calling the STA a bunch of idiots. (I know you never said that but that's what you are implying) You have gone down to their level. Well the level of the the people who are attacking you.

You are breaking your own rules by continuing to defame and disgrace the STA forum. Just drop it.

Didn't you read this:

Please feel free to post here (no foul language please).

As of approx. 3:45pm EDT, there have been no posts HERE in support of the personal attacks and censorship at STA, and none are expected. But at least a fair opportunity was offered here that shows my true nature that STA admin., et al has attempted to malign (and Eric's). The admin and certain members continue to pat each other on the back and spin their story as they stumble around with their apocalyptic surfboards.

There are still great posts there by STA members that are superb, and they do not buy into or get entangled in the attack and censorship that continues by the admin/deceived-supporters in a pitiful attempt to cover up their internal catastrophe in the exposure of their censorship to prevent me from talking about things that hurt THEIR ADVERTISING BUSINESS.

Its really funny watching the shmoozing and disinformation about what has happened, pretending to make a SUPERIOR, competitive product look bad, EVEN THOUGH THERE IS PROOF AVAILABLE TO ANY REGISTERED PERSON SEEKING LAB AND CLINICAL STUDIES spanning over 15 years.

So, there is where it lies, and you can see, by the total absence of any support here for STA, that its the STA admin/owner that is the dishonest.

Now that this has been laid to rest, there is much work to be done here at SLIM!

Enjoy your visit !(STA & GLP members welcome)

Now, read this:

I've proven my point and I'm ready to move on! And moving on, we are!

So, you're the new moderator? No, the topic is STA/members/clearing the air on the scam by Theresa/putting myself on the hot-seat to answer questions, and for members to post here without worrying about reprisals from the STA admin. Now your here to tell me what to do? No, that's not going to happen. You can speak to the issue, but you don't order people around over here like the admin hypocrit at STA. Hope that is very clear.

STA is not a bunch of idiots, and this has never been inplied. As a matter of fact, it is clear that most are very unique and inteligent folks and they do not openly support Theresa and her groupies (some of which may be deceived by her). There are some great people that visit there, and I personally know some of them. You are spinning what I've said. Why?

The freedom to speak about the vendetta/banning/libel, to cover up the fact that the whole thing came up because they want to keep me from telling what I know, espcially about their inferior silver product, then their behaviour (the admin, et al) has been CHILLED AT STA BECAUSE IF THEY DID THEY MAY BE BANNED TOO. They can speak freely and anonymously (or username) here, NOT AT STA if they oppose the admin. As long as people keep the foul language out, do not attack others (like at STA), their "good to go" here.

This forum is doing fine and gets thousands of visits. Prople can usually know what the truth is as it resonates in the heart, and by example. I've exhibited the example of allowing FREEDOM to talk about this matter here. The absurdity of "forum wars" and competition is indicative of a major problem in this world that needs addressed ~ selfishness, sense-gratification, injustice, and the road to self-destruction because PEOPLE WILL NOT COOPERATE. This is a patheticly tragic scene. This will result in the MURDER of much life on this planet by the continual acquisence in this stupidity.

So the lines are being drawn, "wanderer". Those that LOVE and care to share all the good things, and knowledge and vision are gathering, and the whinners, doomers, murmerers, and selfish ones at STA give yet another example of WASTING TIME. There are those there that are equally sick of this behaviour. Count on that.

No, we're not on that level. We're exposing that level, and allowing an avenue to move upwards with FREEDOM here to speak lovingly without getting mobed my the skeptical doubters that bounce from forum to forum spewing nonsense.

Now, why don't you trot on over to STA and tell the admin to apologize and correct the errors there? You'll get banned! That's why. Now its being told here because you cannot say it there.

Eric has been maligned, and those that understand what he done for us. Same things is happening to those of like mind, including myself. It happened with censorhip and banning at Godlike Productions, now at Surfing The Apocalypse. And it getting exposed because it needs exposed like any other corruption. It does not make us go down to there level by announcing this here anymore than announcing the governments corruption and head-long march to self-annhilation either. There disgrace is there own doing...READ THEIR FORUM and personal attack that continues there if you don't believe this...all to sell a brand of colloidal silver...what a shame.

Again, it serves well to allow the truth to be said here, and open myself up to open questioning here about this matter. It allows an avenue for resolve...banning someone because they have an alternative that may upset the marketing plan does not.

As far as I'm concerned, it's "dropped". Justice has been served and my point is proven.

Why are you so unhappy that the STA admin, et al has been exposed here, and I've opened a thread for STA members to share their thoughts and ask me the hard questions that are forbidden at STA?

You don't have to answer. You can be at peace with this too. I am.


"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"

FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together:
Elder's Blog / Gathering Folks Together:

Post #1564
Posted 6/21/2006 7:58:39 PM
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I do not know how the other people on the STA board have acted. I can assume that they act the same way as others calling Eric a lier, stupid, wrong, etc. I believe Eric is wrong in most of the things he says but I'm not going to call him stupid etc.

All I have as an example of the STA forums is what you have posted. From the looks of it you and the STA moderator are both at fault. She banned you from the forum for whatever reason, you didn't like it, then you brought up that she now has to pay you 500 dollars. She called you an extortionist (which she is correct if the quotes she has from you are correct), then you said stuff about her claiming that it is true. It's all petty things. I still believe you have violated your own rules. (which are still missing from this board. I can't find the post up in the pinned part)

The moderators of any forum have the right to ban people for whatever reason. While that can be cruel sometimes the moderators can do it. You have done the same thing with people here Elder. I'm not saying it's a bad thing because most deserve it but some are banned just for disagreeing in some instances. And if she banned you because you were exposing her well then...oh well.
Post #1568
Posted 6/22/2006 1:11:29 PM



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wanderer (6/21/2006)
I do not know how the other people on the STA board have acted. I can assume that they act the same way as others calling Eric a lier, stupid, wrong, etc. I believe Eric is wrong in most of the things he says but I'm not going to call him stupid etc.

You can believe what you want, whatever that is...and you can post that in another thread.

wanderer (6/21/2006)
All I have as an example of the STA forums is what you have posted. From the looks of it you and the STA moderator are both at fault. She banned you from the forum for whatever reason, you didn't like it, then you brought up that she now has to pay you 500 dollars. She called you an extortionist (which she is correct if the quotes she has from you are correct), then you said stuff about her claiming that it is true. It's all petty things. I still believe you have violated your own rules. (which are still missing from this board. I can't find the post up in the pinned part).

The rules are plainly pinned in the pinned section. Suprised that you cannot see them plain as day. You can say I've violated the rules all day long, but you have to state what was violated in them, which you fail to do along with finding and reading them. You make acussations like Theresa, and provide nothing remotely convincing to support them.

She banned me for "watever reason"? That has been made clear here, and its not longer a "whatever". No one appreciates being personally attacked, and it is especially hypocritical that the admin, Theresa, did that to me just to protect her advertisement/marketing SPECIAL INTERESTS ~ Hello! ~ aren't you getting it yet, or are you just determined to miss this point? Aren't you willing to let this rest, or are you wanting to keep this issue stirred? Its looking like the latter.

She brought up, not me, the fact that she owes me $500 for content/confidentiality violations of copywritten material, and her advertising/special interest friend that attacked me.  You keep missing that too, and your real intent is becoming more obvious with missing the facts. She took parts of my private email to her and posted it all over the STA forum FOR DAMAGE CONTROL/spin-doctoring. There is nothing to do with extortion by requesting the payment. I even went so far as to give her an out of the mess she and her SPECIAL INTEREST friend if she would allow me the the chance to respond on the STA forum, but it is obvious that she is too embarrassed and full of pride to allow that to happen. Theresa lied, and used her power as admin to attempt to cover it up while defaming me, but its all here and I've made copies of her and her friends messages and webpages.

I really like the forum at STA, I shared many things there and thought to compliment the site by sharing things from there here. The idea of plagerism is such a joke. Its like she is totally unaware that we all share many things on forums with fair use in mind. The whole thing was spin-doctored to hide the truth.

wanderer (6/21/2006)
The moderators of any forum have the right to ban people for whatever reason. While that can be cruel sometimes the moderators can do it. You have done the same thing with people here Elder. I'm not saying it's a bad thing because most deserve it but some are banned just for disagreeing in some instances. And if she banned you because you were exposing her well then...oh well.

No, I have not done THE SAME THING HERE. And what do you know of that? Where you banned for attacking others before? Hmmm? People banned here were banned for attacking others and foul language. I've already said why I was banned, and it is clearly NOT THE SAME THING. You seem to have missed that too. Atacking others is will not be tolerated, and that is the hypocrisy at STA with Theresa, who permitted it to keep information from members and PROTECTING HER SPECIAL INTEREST. "

You're "oh well" says it all. This thread is done, my point has been proven, STA members have been given a chance to support Theresa (none did), and to challenge me about the truth of my claims (none did), unless you're one of Theresa's supporters over here stirring up trouble and pretending to really care about the truth.

And that is how the cookie crumbles.

Now, on to better things...

"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"

FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together:
Elder's Blog / Gathering Folks Together:

Post #1579
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