Posted 6/20/2006 1:53:37 PM |
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 6/27/2006 11:16:19 AM Posts: 5, Visits: 219 |
Do you people have hope left for the world we live in now ? seems every day it just get's worst. For more than a year now my heart hurts, it hurts for the earth. I am waiting for the end, well, the end of this ' era ' like i call it. The end of the Materialistic Capitalist Superficial societe that we live in and that i no longer can. for me it's too late, man must pay for what they did to the earth. when it's gonna be destroyed, than i have hope, for the new world, somehow i just feel like i already belong there. i'm curious to know if there's more people feeling like me out there. sorry for the mistakes, im french
See.The.Mess.That.We.Became |
Posted 6/20/2006 3:10:17 PM |
Group: Administrators Last Login: Today @ 11:51:06 AM Posts: 406, Visits: 419 |
QuestionInfinity (6/20/2006)
Do you people have hope left for the world we live in now ? seems every day it just get's worst. For more than a year now my heart hurts, it hurts for the earth. I am waiting for the end, well, the end of this ' era ' like i call it. The end of the Materialistic Capitalist Superficial societe that we live in and that i no longer can. for me it's too late, man must pay for what they did to the earth. when it's gonna be destroyed, than i have hope, for the new world, somehow i just feel like i already belong there. i'm curious to know if there's more people feeling like me out there. sorry for the mistakes, im french
There is the world, and then there is The World. The ordering of the past is coming to an end, and the Kingdom of Heaven, and The Ordering it is, is opening to those with a pure heart. We are going through the fire to be cleansed. Do not despair at the end of this ordering. Let your heart be as lite as a feather, and focus on things that endure. There will be more help with understanding.
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"
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Posted 6/22/2006 9:21:54 AM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 6/29/2006 3:23:47 PM Posts: 17, Visits: 106 |
alote of hope.. the hope is people like you.. there billion of hope.
who are the people who can do the diference? everyone
how? the way we think.
how to think? nobody can tell us the way we most think. its individual to find a way to be good.
many and many people finding way to be better will change this world for better.
Posted 6/22/2006 9:38:34 AM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 6/29/2006 3:23:47 PM Posts: 17, Visits: 106 |
personlay i dont think we have to go trough fire to be clean. maybe some people will need that to learn but not everyone. many humain need to do error to learn . but not everyone.
look how many people tell.. damn this is allways happening to me .. why? those people do the same error again and again. and sometime they cant find what they do no correct. most people are like that. seem to be normal way to learn and to live experience until the experience is learned and understoud.
people like to use word like fire, hell.. but its a way to exprime what we dont like or what we affraid of or fear us. but i think its just naturel event to open ur mind for better moment to come. a tsunami killing 5000 people .. this is hell. but the real word is not hell its naturel cataclism. some time naturel sometime caused by humain activities.
the humain storie is a evolution stories. when something is evoluating it happen some charlenge for adaptation. and no body is perfect so we some some error. we have a brain and we can find solution to correct the error we done in the pass. being positiv is the best way to help the evolution to overpass this critical probleme of evolution we living now. becose we bypass the natural law now we pay . the planet is over population. to many people live on this planet and many of them die becose no water no food. the naturel law of the planet = we most live and die. and now we try to save all life in rich country and the poor are dying. we must understand that we not imortal in material corps. its just a step. so stop trying to live longer that nature allow us. because only rich people can. stop trying to cure cancer. the strong naturel health will survive and the weaker will do like the nature want. this is the law of nature we bypass. so now we become weaker and weaker . but its just something part of ur evolution and understanding. if we count on technologie to make us living longer we will bring more probleme... but if we find way to live longer by ur spirit and mind i think we will find ur target. at least if we dont live longer we will be able to continue to live for long on this planet and ur chieldren will ba able to continue ur work and maybe do better then us.
all for one one for all. ! |
Posted 6/22/2006 11:39:22 PM |
Forum Newbie
Group: Forum Members Last Login: 6/27/2006 11:16:19 AM Posts: 5, Visits: 219 |
i wan to explore the universe
i want to be free. FREE from this cell prison
sometimes i feel... wow. the feeling is too strong to describe
i was thinkgins once, about the guy that i like, i i was thinking on how the lve that he give me is good
and then seconds later, i saw one million or more person sending love to me and i was giving love to them, it was so big, so good , so beatiful i wish i could feel all this love again... but i never will in this humain being form. i do my best, everyday to give the most people i can all my love. i wwait for the end of this world
ONly because i know, i feel to styrongly..my heart aches for it, knows it feels it.. that there a better place. for good people.
I talk about the Apocalypse to a lot of person, but noeone beleives me... makes me feel lonely sometimes... but i'm never alone, there's a force in me..somethiung se strong so beautiful something so great! so good, i am just waiting to feel it for an infitite of time. somehime i feel like my boody jusr let my soul free so i can explore the universe explore !! be really free ! i don't have this weight on my shoulders anymore...amazing...that's why i beleive in Eric Julien. he knows, i feel
See.The.Mess.That.We.Became |
Posted 6/26/2006 5:35:06 AM |
Junior Member
Group: Forum Members Last Login: Yesterday @ 9:39:19 AM Posts: 15, Visits: 50 |
Is there any hope left for this world ?
As long as we are not in control of our own fate as a group we have no hope left! Only individuals can have hope in this world! The ones in power don't want peace be certain of that! We the people are controled by them! We can't act as one because we are separated by language, culture, sex, race, etc. this is how they made us so they can control us easyer and use us. Our creators, some of you may say its God, some say its the Reptoids which I think are curently controling us, some say it's Anunnaki, etc. are using us, Reptoids it is said feed on our feelings, they need to create low vibration feelings (wars, death, violence) on which they feed.
The real God its none of the above! God its everywhere and in everything, in you, me, Earth, Sun, ... anything that's energy. As an individual you can reach God but as a nation of Earth, currently NO! Love is the only way out! We are blind.
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