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how to know? Expand / Collapse
Posted 6/19/2006 3:34:04 PM
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hello all !

i am a normal person, i work 40h week, i have a car, a home, ... but i prefer the planet the nature more then my car and my house and my job. where i am going by telling that.. well i am ready to sell my car to get non poluent one. i am ready to use no poluent source to heat my home during winter.

but how can i trust all web site talking about love, about new world coming. when all those poeple look to want to make money more then everyting ELSE. its easy to twink a picture to look like ufo, or to make a new book whit lots of imagination about thing people want to beleive but know nothing. talking about love is easy. living whit love is more hard. how many web site will stay open if we remove the option to sell book and do money? the one based on passion.

now what is the objectiv by trying to show ufo realy exist. who care. we dont need the ufo. we need ot learn to take care of ur planet. ufo will not do that for us. they watch to see if we auto destruct or we become more sage and more inteligent to survive this dificult moment in ur storie. its just a dificult moment in ur history like many other before but now more destructive potential. .. end of world. and what else? i read somewhere we have a spirit. so ur spirit will find an other planet to restart. .. angel need no planet. they just have to think and a new planet is born.

AT THE BEGENING i was beliving most of the storie. now i think its all fiction from humain to make money. to get power. belive all storie post here is like belive president bush. tell me how to know or find true vs lie
Post #1489
Posted 6/19/2006 4:22:07 PM
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I agree whit you !
Money is "the" problem.
Post #1490
Posted 6/19/2006 4:39:56 PM
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Hi Badaboum( n'est-ce pas la mascotte de Montréal! Hey! Hey!),

I agree that money can be a problem if we use it in the bad way. In our world, everyone needs money to live, each person is doing his work.
You have the choice to buy or not, it is not a big deal.

But when you said: believe all stories post here are like believe President Bush. On that one, I cannot agree, some yes and some no, but not all. I saw too many things by the past that really happened in the real life.

Post #1491
Posted 6/19/2006 4:41:13 PM
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a dream.

we find a poor country where people diyng because no food no water... we talk to the people form this country and administration and we propose to help them..

now let see how to help them

its like comunist.. but no gouvernement. no money, no tiket. the base of the society is based on individual responsability . each man need to take care of other. people from all other country are welcome .. all religion all colors... RESPECT OF OTHER . at scholl they learn how work ur body and spirit before learning maths . every people is responsable about the waste they produce. each home can use waste to produce energy.. this new country need to be auto sufisent . ingener, architect, mechanic, every profession will continue to exist but no more poluable plastic. new material developement begin, new car production whit no polution and long life car .. you buy one car it will be good for 100000 years. because selling is no more a question of making money. its a question of technologi advancment and a tools for humain... a think i new country can find all he need in the ground to restart whit planet environemental care. no importation form other capitalist country. the architect will have no more statu then a guy distribuing vegetable. everyone will work for passion, for contribution, for fun, for love. not for money. forget the money for ever.

1st objective : getting food for everyone.
2 objective: teaching ur chieldren the importance to live in peace and to take care of the planet before ur individual interest.
3 objective: research and developement for new tech no polution (no polution home, car, bag, everything.)
4: need to talk about that and get new idea how to continue to leave on this planet for 1000000000 years coming before sun explossion.

this will be a hard begening but the planet we live on have no price.

no more reason to kill other, to make hold up, +++ because oyu can get all you want for free. no money a bit of time to aclimat and no more probleme .

Post #1492
Posted 6/19/2006 4:46:50 PM
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I would like that dream too.
Post #1493
Posted 6/19/2006 5:06:20 PM
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yea enna you have reason. its not everyone who lie. some are good people... i have some probleme to exprime my self in english. .i do my best. and my english is better day after day. ..
Post #1494
Posted 6/19/2006 6:28:11 PM



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badaboum (6/19/2006)
hello all !

AT THE BEGENING i was beliving most of the storie. now i think its all fiction from humain to make money. to get power. belive all storie post here is like belive president bush. tell me how to know or find true vs lie

No one that works on this website, or moderates this forum wants your money, your acceptance, or your complete trust. TRUST NO MAN. You must trust in the Holy Spirit/God within to lead you in all things. If you fail to see that nuclear war was delayed at May 25th, then tell me where the detonation(s) occured. Its simple...

And if you cannot tell us where the detonations occured, then please spare us your uncertainty and doubt. We want to share what is going to move us forward and expose the truth about ET's. If you cannot participate in that with us, please refrain from casting doubts about things you do not understand.


"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"

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Post #1495
Posted 6/19/2006 7:08:24 PM
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The following is from an article published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religions in 1979.

Why did a Protestant elite emerge among Catholic Aymara?

Soqa, a community of 267 Aymara Indian families, lives on an island near the western shore of Lake Titicaca, Peru. The Aymaras have for centuries maintained a relatively closed social and economic system based on subsistence agriculture and animal husbandry. However, within the last twenty or thirty years, the population has exceeded available land to such an extent that few families could any longer by supported by agriculture alone, and many were forced to take wage labor jobs on the coast for several months each year. Exactly coincident with this sudden and severe economic change was the emergence of a small minority of Seventh Day Adventists as a power elite in the community.

An attitudinal questionnaire comparing power elite with others found:
1. Significantly higher pro-education scores
2. Significantly higher pro-capitalism scores
3. Significantly chose education over profit when these factors conflicted
4. Significantly more traditional

Status was based on the ability and willingness to mediate between the traditional Aymara community and the outside world. Adventists are the mediators since they had the most education and best language skills. And the need for contact with the outside world was caused by population growth on a fixed land base.
Post #1503
Posted 6/20/2006 11:29:53 AM
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Hello elder! sometime because my english is limited. i have to exprime my self maybe not the good way,. i aprouve what you said . this web site try to find answer, and all other objective are good. i will try to take more care about the way i exprime my self. but one point important for me and you its taking care of the planet and find the way to live in peace love and harmoni whit planet. and i think talking about ufo , and spirit is good. that take people attention to this web site. but we need to know where is the limit. because talking about ufo and spirit will not change ur world...and spirit and ufo will not make that for us... by the time we talk about that the humain race continue to depress. some people awake. but we dont need to awake about ufo. we need to awake to change ur life style ... to becaume more sage. and when we will learn that maybe the ufo will be open to show to us who they are. but its not ur primari objective now. in my point of view ufo and new age is a way to sell book . but very far away from finding away to resolv ur probleme. new age people are like in a dream but they dont move.

the question is. how to awake people and make them move to change way of life to be more close from ur planet people must stop to have fear from diferent religion color, language. and stop competition about who got faster car, who got more money, who got higher status. we live in a corompu paraside and only us (humain) can clean that to becaume what we wish. a good place to live for everyone. i think we must listen the nature.

i think we have same objective about planet and people. but one thing stand in my mind . its the possibiliti this site can be made only to help eric to sell morebook. and if so i dont wanna participate. if everything he said is true and not to sell book. i tell its cool lets continu.

have good day
if your team come by montreal quebec. telle me.

Post #1509
Posted 6/20/2006 12:10:13 PM
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Bonjour Badaboum,

If you have some plans regarding what you are telling us. Share with us.
I am from Québec.
Post #1512
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