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Australia's Northwest Cape Expand / Collapse
Posted 6/17/2006 7:56:39 PM



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North west cape located near Exmouth in Western Australia is a top secret joint Australian/American military facility. Its real purpose is unknown and has been kept a dark secret from the Australian and American public. But what is its true purpose? This article will explore the anomalies associated with this mysterious place and offer some ideas on its actual purpose as a facility along with offering photographic evidence that something unusual is going on there.

For a start, this place (along with Pine Gap) has been previously associated with ufos and even a possible attack on ufos. The sts48 video film, taken from the space shuttle Discovery on the 15th September 1991 at 20.30GMT reveals that military forces on the Australian continent were actively engaged in a hostile manner with a ufo in earth's orbit.

Video footage of the incident was shown on a late night news channel in Eastern Australia before being quickly censored thereafter. Viewers were stunned and amazed but no further information was forthcoming at the time. In fact I was one of those people who saw the original film footage on tv. And I was left reeling and amazed by what I saw. I was in no doubt that it was a hostile attack on a ufo using some sort of star wars type weapon system.

At the time of the incident, Discovery's camera was trained behind it and was pointing in the direction of Australia as it was orbiting the earth. The film footage then suddenly shows a glowing disc shaped ufo coming out of the earth's atmosphere near other objects and seemingly moving towards the space shuttle. Immediately, as the ufo seemed to pause, a sudden flash is seen to emanate up from Australia. Then within less than a few seconds, the ufo is seen to make a right angled turn and speed off into outer space away from the earth. The ufo's rate of acceleration was incredibily fast, and just as the ufo sped off, two huge bolts of energy moved through the space previously occupied by the ufo.

Both bolts have been traced back to North West Cape in Western Australia and Pine Gap in the Northern Territory. The official explanation from NASA was that it was ice particles simply drifting around near Discovery. This is a ridiculous explanation as ice particles do not make right angled turns nor do they speed off into space at a speed greater than Mach 285 or 340,000km per hour. A few seconds previously, the ufo's speed was estimated at Mach 73 or 87,000km per hour. So it accelerated from Mach 73 to Mach 285 in approximately 2.2 seconds. This type of acceleration would produce no less than 14,000g of force which is impossible for any human to withstand without being crushed by the force. Nor could any of our present machinery withstand such force without disintergrating.

There has been some conjecture about the nature of the ufo including the theory that it was a weapons testing drone set up for a star wars test. This theory may have had credibility except for the fact that there does not seem to be any earth technology capable of generating such speed in 2.2 seconds flat! Therefore, the only other explanation for an intelligently controlled craft capable of making right angled turns would be a ufo.

Having said all this it is interesting to note the unusual ground layout of North West Cape's military facility in Western Australia. These aerial photos were taken recently using google earth. How strange that the facility is set out in geometric shapes and patterns. It looks like some kind of religious symbology is being employed there. What kind of secret energy or power is enhanced by using a jewish star of David contained in a hexagon? Its obvious that it is some type of weapons setup as the ufo in 1991 was shot at from here.

But what type of weapon is it you may ask? And for what purpose has it been created for? These questions are difficult to answer without speculating about it. But speculating, may give us an idea of its purpose.

My own theory, after seeing the film footage before censorship and viewing North West Cape's unusual array may shock you. Especially since the geometric symbols are connected with christianity, magick and the illuminati. They have also been associated with hyper-dimensional physics.

Having obtained possible alien and reversed engineered technology they may have built the facility at North West Cape as an offensive platform to keep the alien threat away from the earth - especially since the subversive element had a falling out with the greys back in the 1980's at Dulce, New Mexico.

In recent years, there has been a sharp decrease in the number of ufo waves and sightings around the world. Newspaper and magazine articles have dropped off too and seem to be mostly re-hashing old ufo stories.

Is this a direct result of our military letting the aliens know that they mean business and to stay away from earth? Was this a warning shot fired by some zealous general or was it an open declaration of our warlike intentions to do battle with them?

Only time will tell the real truth behind this strange top secret facility which also operates under different publicly acknowledged guises. But let us hope that our military haven't bitten off more than they can chew and incur the wrath of something we dont fully understand. Taking pot shots at alien craft is one thing but incurring their wrath is another. And I doubt that if contact was made with them, they would have revealed their true power to the foolish military generals. Perhaps the war on terrorism may turn out to be small fry in comparison to what may be a more insidious and terrible threat in the future. And I tell you, its a future we dont want to manifest...

See below for google earth images

(c) Dhanishta 2005


If NASA can come up with senseless and ridiculous explanations such as ice particles simply drifting around for something like this, and in other cases, then I must say that I am most shocked at the primary school level at which their scientists are trained... 


Note the Hebrew Star of David and other geometric designs incorporated into the facility's layout

This photo is taken from higher up than the previous picture


Note the centre of the geometric design. Is that where the weapon beam originated from?

Close up of NW Cape. The closer in one goes, the more blurry it gets. Is this so people cant see the more detailed aspects of the facility? Note the buildings in the picture.


And what is this array? This is located close by further along on the Exmouth peninsula.

And what - may we ask, is this? This is also located near the other facilities on the peninsula.

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Images taken from google earth

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Post #1446
Posted 6/18/2006 12:40:01 AM
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Several years ago I was watching a TV documentary about Ronald Reagan's Star Wars Program and a laser weapon know as "Brilliant Pebbles". The film footage came from one of our space shuttles and showed a laser beam from Earth being shot towards a ufo which took off at a great speed. I do not recall if they mentioned the location of the laser's origin and I have never seen this footage ever again. I would think an event like this would have been featured in many other UFO programs.

Post #1449
Posted 6/18/2006 1:03:45 PM
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Here is the video taken by Space Shuttle Discovery showing laser fire at UFO.
Post #1467
Posted 6/19/2006 7:59:50 PM
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Nice post Elder. Always nice to learn new things. Wasn't aware of
this particular facility.

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Post #1505
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