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Urgent Warning: Massive Reptilian Space... Expand / Collapse
Posted 6/13/2006 10:45:44 PM
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aloha all,

A massive space battle is set to begin any day now in the vicinity of planet earth. There are two ancient reptilian factions, each with a large empire, and neither can afford to have the other gain control of this planet.

It is true that they look at humans like insects, the battle isn’t over us, it is over who controls this planet, whoever control this planet will have a huge strategic advantage over the other in the bigger picture of expansion and protecting their empire as well as warring on the other faction.

Neither side can afford to have the other win, and that is why this planet is in the crosshairs. That is why people are having dreams of huge waves and catastrophes, these are symbolic of the battle storm about to begin.

This is also the time when Jesus will return and begin a process of relocating people to a safe place that He has prepared in anticipation that this battle would take place. It is about to begin, that is why the government is bugging out to bunkers and people are nervous.

We have reached the End Times. This battle could very well cause the massive catastrophe which might appear to be of natural causes. There is a need for everyone to recognize the ET presence here so that we can be helped by Jesus, the good Et's, and the angels to step out of harms way.

If anyone believes that they are capable of warring with the reptilians, they are deluded, we are like ants to them and their methods.

The nuclear waste into space idea may be an attempt to spread radiation in space as a kind of Radioactive Moat to try and prevent them from coming closer.

This info is now being given out on throughout the internet as the time is now here.

aloha and mahalo

aloha and mahalo
Post #1272
Posted 6/14/2006 9:52:30 AM
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Got any links to other people who "claim" the war is about to begin?
Post #1286
Posted 6/14/2006 12:35:11 PM
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Project Obsidian!!!???
Post #1297
Posted 6/14/2006 1:05:38 PM
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Prove it.
Post #1301
Posted 6/14/2006 2:16:08 PM
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Is there any supporting evidence for this claim? theory?

Brains corrupted by education wants to reason everything.

I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very curious.
Post #1304
Posted 6/14/2006 3:57:09 PM
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Every person is capable of lying that’s why reason is important and why solid evidence is also. Anyone could have written the above passage without any just reason, I could for instance easily write you a passage about how nuclear war will start tomorrow at 12 GMT, but there wouldn't be the slightest shred of truth in such statement.

If you know so truthfully that any event is going to take place then it shouldn't be a problem simply to say how and why you know such. If such details of source and evidence are a problem then why should anyone assume that there is any truth or validity in what is said?
Post #1306
Posted 6/14/2006 4:13:34 PM
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Hi Paradise,

Can you tell us any more about these reptialian factions? Are you referring to the Illumanati? I am thinking that there are two warring factions amongst themselves and that they may be controlled by the reptilians. From what I have read, didn't man- kind first begin in ancient Sumeria? Wasn't one of the first thing destroyed when Iraq was invaded, a musem that housed the most ancient writings known to man....writings that told of the beginning of mankind. I have heard that this is an area of the portal where space beings once visited our Earth, and that the reason for the invasion of Iraq and future invasion of Iran is to try to destroy this portal. Is it to prevent invasion from negative ET's or could it be to prevent the assistance of positive ET's come to help humanity?

I do believe that something is up. I know that a friend of mine had dream in which the space beings were seen in the sky....she was concerned and thought that they were here to take over, however, I felt that maybe these were benevolent ETs come to help us. I wonder if anyone else has any thoughts on this.

Post #1310
Posted 6/14/2006 5:56:12 PM
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I also remember a few dreams in where I saw loads of UFO's (Wich I totally wasn't interested in at that time) and in another one I saw them in the sky while telling my parents "I told ya so!!". I guess we're going to get some help since we were corrupted since the beginning, but I also think we (humans living on earth) should begin the "revolution" just by changing the way we think and spreading the news (Am not trying to convince anyone) and last but not least, show our loved and not loved ones what seperates the truth seekers from the carrier hunters (Like big guys from, lets say, Shell?)
Post #1313
Posted 6/14/2006 6:11:17 PM
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Hi Mystical,

Your friend is not the only one who saw thoses space ships in dream.
On May 11th, during a dream I saw ETs space ships too, and a lot I mean hundreds in the sky. I felt that some were good and others bad.
And after that, I saw others events but I prefer to not speak, it is not really nice.

At that time I was not interested by ETs, far from my thought. Why I catch that in my dream, I don't know.

When I woke up of my dream, I was wondering if thoses space ships were there to safe us. Quite a strange thinking.

I felt that I had too many imagination, but after spoken to a friend who gave me the website saveliveinmay, I felt surprised.
Post #1317
Posted 6/14/2006 7:51:02 PM



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paradise (6/13/2006)
aloha all,

A massive space battle is set to begin any day now in the vicinity of planet earth. There are two ancient reptilian factions, each with a large empire, and neither can afford to have the other gain control of this planet.

It is true that they look at humans like insects, the battle isn’t over us, it is over who controls this planet, whoever control this planet will have a huge strategic advantage over the other in the bigger picture of expansion and protecting their empire as well as warring on the other faction.

Neither side can afford to have the other win, and that is why this planet is in the crosshairs. That is why people are having dreams of huge waves and catastrophes, these are symbolic of the battle storm about to begin.

This is also the time when Jesus will return and begin a process of relocating people to a safe place that He has prepared in anticipation that this battle would take place. It is about to begin, that is why the government is bugging out to bunkers and people are nervous.

We have reached the End Times. This battle could very well cause the massive catastrophe which might appear to be of natural causes. There is a need for everyone to recognize the ET presence here so that we can be helped by Jesus, the good Et's, and the angels to step out of harms way.

If anyone believes that they are capable of warring with the reptilians, they are deluded, we are like ants to them and their methods.

The nuclear waste into space idea may be an attempt to spread radiation in space as a kind of Radioactive Moat to try and prevent them from coming closer.

This info is now being given out on throughout the internet as the time is now here.

aloha and mahalo

Could it be that this battle you speak of is mirroring a battle between factions here on the Earth, and a reflection of the conflicts within man and between linear dualities of the human collective by their own making?

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