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Posted 6/13/2006 8:17:21 PM



Group: Administrators
Last Login: Today @ 11:51:06 AM
Posts: 406, Visits: 419
Sunday, June 11, 2006 | The Day the Sun Stands Still (revised)

"LET'S keep a close watch on the date range 6/17 through 6/23 -- with particular emphasis on the 19th and the 22nd. I say this with some concern that we need to take care when reporting potential global trouble spots, so as not to perpetuate the religion of Fearism. This is the little cousin of a religion with a more authoritative name, but he's a little brat and we need to keep an eye on him. However, it's worth bearing in mind that awareness is usually the one deciding factor on the Earth plane, even where luck is involved.

An article has appeared on the front page relating to the upcoming summer solstice, which gives some of the details. I'm now looking at the date range of the Sun's northernmost extreme with new concern, and am corresponding with two of the best mundane astrologers I know and getting back some confirmation. Their methods are a little fancier than mine but we're getting the same basic information: something is up on those dates. Whatever is up involves the supposed killing of al-Zaquawi last week, who has ties to Iran; charts for Iran and Israel are involved. The solstice, as I've been writing here and in other venues (including Astrology Secrets Revealed) is the cosmic trigger. This was covered in an ASR edition called "From Beltane to Solstice" about two months ago; my how spacetime flies.

To sum up: the Sun is about to oppose Pluto, then oppose the Galactic Core, then it will square the degree of the extremely powerful Sept. 22 solar eclipse, then it will square the lunar nodes and finally enter Cancer. This sets off a whole stack of Aries Point charts that have been involved with everything we've witnessed in the world from Sept. 11 onward.

The new chart in the mix was for the alleged killing of this guy who is being billed as the leader of "al-Queda in Iraq," al-Zaquawi. The weird thing is that the chart indicated something about to happen -- not something that had already happened. There are two times (because of a time zone discrepancy) and no matter which one you use, you still get a situation where an aspect involving the ruler of the 1st or 7th house is about to make a major aspect. Getting AZ was a big deal, no matter how many veils have been thrown over it -- two versions of the story, did they get him three weeks ago, did he survive for a few moments or not, how did he survive, or how did his corpse survive, an explosion that left a 35 foot deep crater and flung debris more than 600 feet in every direction.

On one level, astrology is pretty simple. Charts reveal themselves to be about things that happened or are about to happen. However you slice the AZ chart (Sag rising or Scorpio rising), something is coming. We have known this a while, but now we have an added puzzle piece. That is the AZ-Iran connection. As we know, American and European governments have been selling war with Iran for some time. I have a photo of a French magazine cover from the winter doing just this; the French reads, "Nuclear: Tomorrow, war with Iran."

There are a couple of scenarios and I'll provide details from the astrology as they emerge. But, this June 17-23 range may contain either some kind of large event that sets up the bombing and invasion of Iran, or a military move itself. I've confirmed that June 19 happens to be a day that national FEMA drills are being conducted to make sure that if there's "another Sept. 11" things go more smoothly than they did the first time around; here is a link:

What we can do for our society as citizens is a tough call. The best thing, I feel, is to pay attention. Keep your awareness open. Be conscious and stay clear with the ones you love. Keep your personal business up to date. If you're someone who is curious about how the world works, or is in the process of becoming aware how history is being synthesized like so much plastic right now, you can watch the pieces come together.

I suggest picking where you want to be that week and potentially a little while longer, and sticking there. It is just basic responsibility as an astrologer to advise not flying inside those dates. I realize that everyone can't avoid that, but if you can, you might want to consider it. The important thing is this, if you choose to fly, or must do so: follow your intuition. If you hear a voice in your mind that says "stay home," then listen to yourself. Very, very often, there is a loud warning sounded on the psychic fields and many people hear it. If you feel safe, if you feel willing, then go where you need to go.

And look, I could be wrong and I hope I am. We could be wrong; the astrology could be meaningless or signify something later in the season. But, given that I'm noticing something, that I have been for a while, and that two older, better trained and far more experienced astrologers are noticing something, and have been for a while, it would be really stupid of me not to say something; to just neglect to say anything, or to say it in an encrypted, coded way. I say all of this knowing how precious days off are, how rare travel is for many people, and how on any given day, the vast majority of people are perfectly safe. So, once again, once and for always, follow your intuition on those days; do what you feel safe doing. My sense is, if you FEEL safe, the overwhelming chances are, you are safe.

The point of my saying any of this is to both alert people to the astrological weather and to give us a chance to shift the events based on awareness and intention, and we CAN do that if we focus.

I'll keep the details coming here and in Planet Waves Weekly. Hey, if you're not a subscriber, please sign up. We run on both love and money. Here is the link.

Monday, June 12, 2006 | What's in the Stars

I WANT to follow up on yesterday's entry, with the note that it's been revised -- please see the new areas of text with bold type. We have many questions to ponder about what to do with astrological information. The mission of Planet Waves is to make that information, all of which is based on interpretation by a human (me and the human astrologers and newswatchers I listen to) as much as it is on objective data, available to you; this way we can at least consider it, and at most apply it and use it to change ourselves and the world in some way.

Astrology is a source of information that world leaders have tapped into for millennia. Now it's available to those who seek it out. But it's not the world from the Almighty; it's not The New York Times; it's an interpretation and an opinion, in the current instance by a guy sitting in a hotel room at 6:40 one Monday morning.

You could say that one problem with our world is that so little affects us. So little, and yet everything; and, we seek a relationship to larger events, we seek involvement, emotional or otherwise. That's why so many people watch the news so obsessively. You would think you were looking for your best friend or little sister to be covered on MSNBC.

So while we seek involvement, many also deny the impact of events. We live and experience life as if nothing matters to us. One thing that's crucial about the charts for June 17-23 is, 1. The involvement of so many past charts that have affected so many people and 2. The presence of astrology that joins us as individuals with the world, with one another and with the largest, widest, deepest turns of history. This is Aries Point stuff. It's related to eclipses, too, since three full strength eclipses, one from 2001 and two from 2006, are involved in the developments.

It's not usually so healthy to live on fear, though fear is natural and necessary and it's there to warn us; and it's usually a great idea to live doing what you need to do, even if you're a little scared. Rising above fear is one of the most important parts of growth; so too is discretion being the better part of valor. And, information is part of our environment. The problem with most of what we get in the media is that it's trivia; it's manipulated; it's plain wrong; there is an agenda working that has nothing to do with you, me or the people we know and love. It's not for our benefit. Why should it be? Because you pay your cable bill?

So: all I can tell you is all I've been saying in this space for years -- pay attention: to yourself, to what you learn from your environment, and to your state of mind. Interact with spirit and ask to be protected. Stay in touch with your mission and let that keep you on track, including the mission of loving and caring for the people you're traveling with, and the perhaps more important one of being loved by them."

"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"

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