Eric stated that a tsunami would occur after a fragment strike IF THE NUCLEAR DETONATION and the plans to attack Iran went forward as planned. The planned detonation/attack was called off on the 25th. While it is not provable that extraterrestrial intervention played a role in this, nor collective intent, it is notworthy that the nuke-plans were stopped on that day. This was not known to most until it was leaked out, reported by other investigators, and then sugar-coated by the mainstream media later, after the weekend.
Kent Steadman reported high waves on another forum, and I, not Eric, thought it was noteworthy to share. There was no attempt to justify anything with noting high waves and earthquakes in the region that Eric was focusing on in his alerts, it was merely observations being made about the strange events in the Atlantic.
What you may be seeing as "loyalty" could be that I just do not abandon a friend that cares about helping others to be prepared for the Eric always said, "better safe than sorry". If the governments had gone through with atomic detonations (that affect extraterrestrial navigation) there may have been a serious event, and many people would have died. Eric did not want to see innocent people hurt because government would remain hell-bent on detonating nuclear devices, and using them on other populations.
Several people have wondered why I've been so "loyal" to Eric and his comments about the alert. I'm loyal to peace, and endeavors that promote peace instead of war. I stand by the "underdogs" that are courageous enough to publicly expose themselves, often at great risk, and tell the world what is going on so they can be better prepared, and to wake them up to the reality of the clandestine march to world domination by those that do not have our best interest in mind (rather they want to eliminate most of us and turn this planet into their play-ground and have some slaves to wait upon them), and to expose the fact that we are not alone in the universe.
I, too, have had my visions and dreams. I have listened to the still voice inside.
All I have to gain from my participation is the peace of mind in knowing that I took the opportunity to help instead of being an irresponsible bystander, and to further help people understand and use the power of intent/prayer in a positive way.
Other than that, I've gotten to be among the first in the continental US to read the English version of Eric's book, The Science of Extraterrestials, and gain a greater understanding of the universe, and myself as part of The One that we all are a part of, a Soul in the Great Soul Sea.
"The wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but TRUTH conquers all"
FIRE THE GRID! / Focusing Intent Together:
Elder's Blog / Gathering Folks Together: